Task 1: Syllabus
Please take the time to read through the syllabus. This outlines our class expectations, grading and late work policies, and our policy for cell phones and ear pods.
Task 2: Kami for Chrome Setup
Please follow the instructions in the document to the right to install the "Kami for Google Chrome" extension. Once installed keep following the instructions to properly set up the app for use in my classroom.
Task 3: How to use Google Docs
Click the button below for your class period to open the assignment in Google Classroom. Follow the instructions on the Google Doc to complete all of the tasks. If you don't know how to complete a task you can watch the video linked at the top to help you.
Task 3: How to use Google Slides
Click the button below for your class period to open the assignment in Google Classroom. Follow the instructions on the Google Slides to complete the tasks on each slide. If you don't know how to complete a task you can watch the video linked at the top of each slide to help you.