Unit 6: South America

Title Page and Learning Target Checklist

Task 1: Political and Physical Maps of South America (12/8/23)

Step 1: Grab a copy of the map from the front of the room or print one by clicking on the picture of the maps below

The labels on the map must be easy to see and written well enough that I can read them. 

Task 2Ancient Cultures of South America (12/11/23)

The linked Google Form below contains links to readings and videos that you will need to read/watch.  You will use the information from the reading and videos to answer all of the questions in the Google Form.  If you do not score 15/15 on the form, you will need to keep editing your responses until you score 100%. 

Task 3: Google Earth Expedition (12/11/23)

Grab a copy of the note packet from Mr. Tanner or print out a copy by clicking on the images below.  Click the button below for your class period to open the assignment in Google Classroom.  You will need to use the information from each step of the Google Earth Tour to fill in the notes.   

Task 4: Ghosts of Machu Picchu (12/12/23)

Grab a copy of the note packet from Mr. Tanner or print out a copy by clicking on the images below.  Click the EdPuzzle link below for your class period to watch the video.  The information from the video will be tested on so make sure you pay close attention.   

Task 5: Saving the Amazon Rainforest

Click the link below for your class period to open the assignment in Google Classroom.  You will need to make a presentation to convince the President of Brazil that they need to preserve the Amazon Rainforest.  Please carefully read the instructions on the Google Doc. 

Task 6: Guns, Germs, and Steel. (Fall of the Inca)

Open the assignment by clicking the button for your class period below.  Watch the video that is linked in the Google Doc.  Use the video to answer all 12 questions on the document.  Some of these questions will appear in the end-of-unit test.

Task 7: Fall of the Inca Timeline

You need to copy the notes from below into the next blank page of your notebook.  This timeline will become an ordering question on our test, so you must have this in your notebook. You can zoom in on the image using a pinch gesture on your trackpad if you can't see the words clearly.  

Task 8: Rise and Fall of the Inca EdPuzzle

Copy the template of the notes from the image below into the next blank page of your notebook.  Then click the link below for your class period to watch the EdPuzzle video.  When the video asks you to write notes down, make sure you put them in the correct section.  At the end of the video, you will have eight multiple choice questions to answer.  You can use your notes to help you.  (CLICK HERE IF YOU MISSED ANY OF THE NOTES)

Task 9: Create a Country Project

Click the button below for your class period to access the assignment.  You only need to complete one document, one map, and one flag for your entire group. 

Task 10: Researching South America

Click the button below for your class period to access the assignment.  Use Google and the links provided in the document to answer all of the questions.